Rear-end Accident Lawyer
in Connecticut

When it comes to automotive collisions, rear-end accidents are very common. In most cases, these accidents are caused by another driver's negligence such as tailgating or failing to pay proper attention. At Roadside Lawyers, we are committed to helping those that have been injured in rear-end accidents in Connecticut seek legal justice. Please continue reading to learn how we can offer you legal support today.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rear-end accident, it's best not to face these difficult situations alone. Click here to have our attorneys begin analyzing the details of your case now.

Rear-end accidents can result in major injuries and property damage and when it comes to navigating the legal and insurance processes, it's best to have an experienced attorney on your side. Our rear-end accident lawyers in Connecticut will tirelessly work through your case from start to finish to help you receive the compensation you may be entitled to. With years of experience bringing personal injury cases to a close, you can put your trust in our attorneys Roadside Lawyers, so you can get back to healing and recovery.

Help Navigating Medical and Auto Insurance Systems

When a rear-end accident occurs, navigating extensive insurance processes can become time-consuming - this causes stress and takes away your time recovering. As your experienced personal injury attorneys in Connecticut, we have expert knowledge of the laws pertaining to auto and medical insurance claims after a collision. With our expertise, we will rigorously protect your rights by establishing all the damages that were caused in the incident and will aggressively pursue the compensation you may be entitled to.

What are Common Rear-End Collision Injuries?

If you have been in a rear-end collision in Connecticut, there are many injuries that victims often sustain when another vehicle impacts your car from the rear. Each accident is unique depending on the size of the vehicles and the speed at which they were traveling on impact. These injuries can vary from short to long recovery times and range from victims experiencing mild to serious pain. These are common critical injuries that are caused by rear-end accidents:

  • Whiplash

  • Lacerations

  • Back & Spinal Injuries

  • Shoulder & Neck Injuries

  • Traumatic Head & Brain Injuries

What is the Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents in Connecticut?

The amount of time you are allotted to file a lawsuit after a car accident in Connecticut is 2 years. However, it's extremely essential that if you have been in a collision seek medical attention and assess your injuries as soon as possible. For more information and statutes to consider in the state of Connecticut, please click here to see the full text of Connecticut General Statutes § 52-584.

Personal Injury FREE Consultation Service

Our law firm offers a free consultation to personal injury victims and we encourage you to read more about this service and how you can begin seeking legal counsel with Roadside Lawyers today. If you're ready to get started, get in touch with us to speak with an attorney now.